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Forum Posts
Jan 05, 2022
In Talent Builds
Become the most popular person on a server with just one trick: Roll a tank Paladin. You can bet that Healers and Tanks are the most important part of the group because it's hard to find one when you need them. Get yourself out of Retribution Dream and start gaining some friends with those tank-banks. Your rotation is Holy Shield, Consecration (60 level) and Seal of Fury. Also don't forget about other seals, they are useful to keep on boss. Seal of Fury judgement is Taunt and you know what makes us better than Shaman Tanks? Our Taunt works just fine.
Jan 05, 2022
In Talent Builds
Very useful Leveling Build for Warlocks. Durability: 5/5
Damage Output: 2.5/5 Can solo Elite quests on Vanilla Plus One of the most safe builds for Ironman Challenge on V+
You can start as Affliction for faster leveling
You can start as Demonology for solo Elite content on 20-30 levels. Hardest to kill in world PvP You can swap 6% of Demon's Damage for +10% Damage Protection during Health Funnel for your Demon.
Jul 29, 2021
In Talent Builds
Source (check it out, there is full guide + pre-BIS for V+):
Jul 29, 2021
In Talent Builds
Requires 1 gold to respec at 40 level. 1-40 level - you should use Shield and One-handed weapon Talent order: 10-11 level - Shield Specialization 12-14 level - Elemental Weapons 15-16 level - Guardian Totems 17-19 level - Thundering Strikes 20 level - Earth Shield 21-24 level - Rockhide 25-26 level - Improved Ghost Wolf 27-29 level - Primal Endurance 30 level - Bloodlust 31-32 level - Primal Endurance 33 level - Rockhide 34 level - Thundering Strikes 35-39 level - Shamanism 40 - Spec reset to Dual Ench or Two-handed Ench (Depends on your current gear) Dual Ench (with totem utility) 1-3 - Elemental Weapons 4-5 - Ancestral Knowledge 6-9 - Thundering Strikes 10-14 - Flurry 15-19 - Weapon Mastery 20 - Bloodlust 21-24 - Primal Endurance 25-29 - Armaments of Storm 30 - Aftershock 31-33 - Nature's Guidance 34-38 - Shamanism
39-40 - Totemic Mastery 41-42 - Totemic Focus 43-44 - Improved Weapon Totems 45-47 - Nature Grace 48 - Primal Endurance 49-50 - Enchancing Totems Two-handed Ench (with extreme Aggro Reduction in case of threat burst) 1-3 - Elemental Weapons 4-5 - Ancestral Knowledge 6-9 - Thundering Strikes 10-14 - Flurry 15-19 - Weapon Mastery 20 - Bloodlust 21-23 - Nature's Guidance 24-25 - Tidal Mastery 26-27 - Totemic Focus 28-30 - Nature Grace 31-33 - Tidal Mastery 34 - Tidal Barrier 35 - Totemic Mastery 36-40 - Tidal Focus 41-45 - Concussion 46-50 - Reverberation
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